It's nice to know that a lot read my previews blogs and a lot of my friends responded great. Thanks for those nice thoughts guys. I'm sorry to feel that way the past few days. Siguro pumasok lang un sa utak ko kasi nababato na ako sa bahay.. hehehe:) I just missed you. Thanks for everything!:)
The only book that made me cry.. hehehe:) I'll tell you the first three people. The main point is, the main character is a maitainance man in a carnival called Ruby Pier. He died because he tried to save a young asian girl from a falling ride. It's said that he'll met five people who had a great influence in his life or vice versa, even without knowing them.
First person: The Blue man in the "Freakshow" in Ruby Pier. Second person: The Captain (Eddie's Captain when he was in the military.) Third Person: Ruby (The "Ruby" in Ruby Pier.... the part that made me cry.) Fourth Person: His wife (His one and only Love) Fifth Person: (I'm about to find out.)